
Wushu Broadsword Form

1 弓步缠头 gōng bù chán tóu Bow step, wind around head
2 虚步藏刀 xū bù cáng dāo Empty step, hide the sabre
3 右弓步前扎 yòu gōng bù qián zhā Right bow step, forward pierce
4 并步上挑 bìng bù shàng tiāo Feet together, high lift up
5 左抡劈 zuǒ lūn pī Left swinging cut
6 右抡劈 yòu lūn pī Right swinging cut
7 弓步撩刀 gōng bù liāo dāo Bow step, raise sabre
8 弓步藏刀 gōng bù cáng dāo Bow step, hide the sabre
9 提膝缠头 tí xī chán tóu Lift knee, wind around head
10 弓步平斩 gōng bù píng zhǎn Bow step, level cut
11 仆步带刀 pú bù dài dāo Drop step, show the sabre
12 歇步下砍 xiē bù xià kǎn Rest step, down chop
13 左劈刀 zuǒ pī dāo Left cutting sabre
14 右劈刀 yòu pī dāo Right cutting sabre
15 歇步按刀 xiē bù àn dāo Rest step, press down the sabre
16 马步平劈 mǎ bù píng pī Horse step, level cut
17 弓步撩刀 gōng bù liāo dāo Bow step, raise sabre
18 叉步反撩 chā bù fǎn liāo Cross step, reverse lift
19 转身挂劈 zhuǎn shēn guà pī Twist the body, hanging cut
20 仆步下砍 pú bù xià kǎn Drop step, down chop
21 架刀前刺 jià dāo qián cì Poise sabre, forward stab
22 左斜劈 zuǒ xié pī Left oblique cut
23 右斜劈 yòu xié pī Right oblique cut
24 虚步藏刀 xū bù cáng dāo Empty step, hide the sabre
25 旋转扫刀 xuán zhuǎn sǎo dāo Revolve turn, sweeping sabre
26 翻身劈刀 fān shēn pī dāo Turn body, cutting sabre
27 缠头箭踢 chán tóu jiàn tī Wind around head, arrow kick
28 仆步按刀 pú bù àn dāo Drop step, press down the sabre
29 缠头蹬腿 chán tóu dèng tuǐ Wind around head, kick leg
30 虚步藏刀 xū bù cáng dāo Empty step, hide the sabre
31 弓步缠头 gōng bù chán tóu Bow step, wind around head
32 并步抡刀 bìng bù lūn dāo Feet together, swing the sabre

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