
Wu Cheng Style Broadsword Form

1 太极起式 tài jí qǐ shì Taichi beginning style
2 揽雀尾 lǎn què wěi Grasp the sparrow's tail
3 搂膝拗步 lǒu xī ǎo bù Embrace knee, twist step
4 分刀式 fēn dāo shì Parting the sabre style
5 闪展看刀 shǎn zhǎn kàn dāo Dodge extend, examine the sabre
6 左摘星 zuǒ zhāi xīng Left pick a star
7 进步撩阴 jìn bù liāo yīn Entering step, raise Yin
8 卸步掳刀 xiè bù lǔ dāo Withdraw step, seize the sabre
9 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
10 左挂金铃 zuǒ guà jīn líng Left hang a golden bell
11 推窗望月 tuī chuāng wàng yuè Push the window to look at the moon
12 回身劈 huí shēn pī Turn body, cut
13 回身撩阴 huí shēn liāo yīn Turn body, raise Yin
14 左挂金铃 zuǒ guà jīn líng Left hang a golden bell
15 登山远眺 dēng shān yuǎn tiào Climb the mountain for a remote survey
16 鹞子翻身 yào zǐ fān shēn Sparrow hawk turns its body
17 大鹏展翅 dà péng zhǎn chì Big bird stretches its wings
18 燕子入巢 yàn zǐ rù cháo Swallow enters its nest
19 进步掳刀 jìn bù lǔ dāo Entering step, seize the sabre
20 迎面刺 yíng miàn cì Face stab
21 翻身藏刀 fān shēn cáng dāo Turn body, hide the sabre
22 指裆刀 zhǐ dāng dāo Pointing at the crotch sabre
23 打虎势 dǎ hǔ shì Striking the tiger power
24 燕子入巢 yàn zǐ rù cháo Swallow enters its nest
25 进步掳刀 jìn bù lǔ dāo Entering step, seize the sabre
26 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
27 翻身藏刀 fān shēn cáng dāo Turn body, hide the sabre
28 上三开式 shàng sān kāi shì Highest three opening style (attack the upper body)
29 带醉脱靴 dài zuì tuō xuē Being drunk, taking off boots
30 臥鱼式 wò yú shì Crouching fish style
31 云刀藏刀 yún dāo cáng dāo Cloud sabre, hide the sabre
32 迎面刺 yíng miàn cì Face stab
33 回身劈 huí shēn pī Turn body, cut
34 探海式 tàn hǎi shì Searching the sea style
35 捞月式 lāo yuè shì Scooping the moon out of water style
36 左挂金铃 zuǒ guà jīn líng Left hang a golden bell
37 推窗望月 tuī chuāng wàng yuè Push the window to look at the moon
38 七星式 qī xīng shì Seven stars style
39 猛虎跳涧 měng hǔ tiào jiàn Savage tiger jumps over the stream
40 迎面刺 yíng miàn cì Face stab
41 臥虎式 wò hǔ shì Crouching tiger style
42 藏刀式 cáng dāo shì Hiding the sabre style
43 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
44 盘龙式 pán lóng shì Coiled dragon style
45 赶步盘龙 gǎn bù pán lóng Pursuing step, coiled dragon
46 臥鱼式 wò yú shì Crouching fish style
47 云刀藏刀 yún dāo cáng dāo Cloud sabre, hide the sabre
48 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
49 臥虎式 wò hǔ shì Crouching tiger style
50 臥鱼式 wò yú shì Crouching fish style
51 云刀藏刀 yún dāo cáng dāo Cloud sabre, hide the sabre
52 迎面刺 yíng miàn cì Face stab
53 臥虎式 wò hǔ shì Crouching tiger style
54 臥鱼式 wò yú shì Crouching fish style
55 云刀藏刀 yún dāo cáng dāo Cloud sabre, hide the sabre
56 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
57 回身劈 huí shēn pī Turn body, cut
58 上步撩阴 shàng bù liāo yīn Step up, raise Yin
59 横扫千军 héng sǎo qiān jūn Horizontal sweep of a thousand armies
60 左摘星 zuǒ zhāi xīng Left pick a star
61 打虎式 dǎ hǔ shì Striking the tiger style
62 回马提铃 huí mǎ tí líng Turning horse lifts a bell
63 怀中抱月 huái zhōng bào yuè Chest middle, embrace the moon
64 顺水推舟 shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu Follow the water pushing a boat
65 斜飞式 xié fēi shì Oblique flying style
66 进步劈刀 jìn bù pī dāo Entering step, cutting sabre
67 回身劈 huí shēn pī Turn body, cut
68 回身撩阴 huí shēn liāo yīn Turn body, raise Yin
69 横扫千军 héng sǎo qiān jūn Horizontal sweep of a thousand armies
70 流星赶月 liú xīng gǎn yuè Drifting star pursues the moon
71 打虎式 dǎ hǔ shì Striking the tiger style
72 云龙戏水 yún lóng xì shuǐ Cloud dragon plays in water
73 翻身劈 fān shēn pī Turn body, cut
74 回身刀 huí shēn dāo Turn body, sabre
75 进步劈刀 jìn bù pī dāo Entering step, cutting sabre
76 藏刀式 cáng dāo shì Hiding the sabre style
77 分心刺 fēn xīn cì Piercing the heart stab
78 左摘星 zuǒ zhāi xīng Left pick a star
79 交刀式 jiāo dāo shì Exchanging the sabre style
80 搂膝拗步 lǒu xī ǎo bù Embrace knee, twist step
81 合太极 hé tài jí Gathering taichi
82 收式 shōu shì Gathering style

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